董晓旭,女,博士,讲师,硕士生导师;主要从事微分方程及其应用方面的研究工作;应用方面主要涉及油藏渗流和页岩气开发水平井水力压裂返排污染这两个方面。近几年参与纵向和横向科研项目5项;先后在《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES》、《COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS》、《COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS》、《Water Air & Soil Pollution》《JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING》、《International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology》、《Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering》、《Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research》等期刊上发表学术论文多篇,其中被SCI收录7篇,EI期刊收录3篇. |
2019,07-至今,在澳门新葡游戏网工作 |
2015/9—2019/6月,西南石油大学,学院,博士;2012/9—2015/6月,澳门新葡游戏网,学院,硕士;2008/9月—2012/6,天水师范学院,数学与统计学院,学士。 |
主要从事微分方程及其应用方面的研究工作;应用方面主要涉及油藏渗流和页岩气开发水平井水力压裂返排污染这两个方面。 |
1.近年来主持或参与的科研项目: [1] 2024年,横向项目(H242124),“互调干扰分析技术研究”。 [2] 2023-2024年,横向项目(H242027),“高频数字无线收发设备研发”。 [3] 2023-2024年,横向项目(H231216),“航空无线电可视化应用平台研究”。 [4] 2022-2023年,横向项目(221198),“民航星基甚高频频谱规划研究技术服务”。 [5] 2018-2019年,国家级重点实验室开放基金项目,“页岩气开发过程水污染数学模型及算法研究”。 [6] 2017年-至今,四川省国际合作项目(2017HH0014)“页岩气开发污染数值模拟及应用研究”。 [7] 2017-2018年,中国石油天然气股份有限公司长庆油田分公司(第四采油厂)(经管D017)“绥靖油田油藏经营管理评价模型的建立与应用探讨”。 [8] 2016-2018年,四川省应用基础重大前沿项目(16JC0314))“页岩气开发机理动态模拟及其区块污染最优控制”。 [9] 2015-2016年,中国石化股份胜利油田分公司项目(YKY1501)“特高含水期微观剩余油临界启动条件研究”。 2.近年来发表的部分学术论文: [1] Xiaoxu Dong, Qun Liu, Wenjing Li, Zheng Zeng, Shunchu Li, Xing Xia. Elastic transformation and its inverse transformation for solving one-order and third-order nonlinear variable coefficient ordinary differential equations [J]. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2023,53(2): 417-434.(SCI-收录) [2] Xiaoxu Dong, Wenjing Li*, Qun Liu, Zheng Zeng. Research on the Convection-Reaction-Diffusion Model of Contaminants in Fracturing Flowback Fluid in Non-Equidistant Artificial Fractures with Arbitrary Inclination in (3+1)-Dimensional Space-Time [J].ACS Omega, 2023, 8(20): 17901–17921. (SCI收录- WOS:000984378400001) [3] Shun-chu Li, Qian He, Xiao-xu Dong, Xing Xia, Qin-min Gui. The elasticity of the outer boundary and the solution of two-region composite reservoir seepage model[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, (SCI-收入) [4 ] Xiaoxu Dong, Wenjing Li, Qun Liu,Hehua Wang. Research on convection-reaction-diffusion model of contaminants in fracturing flowback fluid in non-equidistant fractures with arbitrary inclination of shale gas development [J]. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2022, 208. (SCI收录-WOS:000697722400062) [5] Xiaoxu Dong, Shunchu Li, Zhibin Liu,Hehua Wang. Similar Constructing Method and Gaver-Stehfest Numerical Inversion Equation for Solving the Composite Reservoir Models Under Three Outer Boundary Conditions[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2021, (SCI-收录-WOS:000669821800003) [6] Zhibin Liu (导师), Xiaoxu Dong, Lin Chen, Chao Min, Xuecheng Zheng. Numerical simulation of recovered water flow and contaminants diffusion in the wellbore of shale gas horizontal wells[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2020, 79(6):128. (SCI收录-WOS:000520999700002) [7] Shunchu Li, Hong Guo, Pengshe Zheng, Xiaoxu Dong, Chaochao Zhao, Qinmin Gui. The elastic boundary value problem of extended modified Bessel equation and its application in fractal homogeneous reservoir [J]. MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2020, 39(2).(SCI收录- WOS:000514641600004) [8] Sun Yanbin, Liu Zhibin, Dong Xiaoxu. Rate optimization of fractional flow reservoir model based on the continuous adjoint method[J]. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2019, 183(2019). (SCI收录- WOS:000501604200076) [9] Xiaoxu Dong *, Zhibin Liu, Shunchu Li. Similar constructing method for solving nonhomogeneous mixed boundary value problem of n-interval composite ode and its application[J]. MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2019, 42(5):1702-1723. (SCI收录-WOS:000461898000025) [10] Xiaoxu Dong *, Zhibin Liu, Shunchu Li. Similar constructing method for solving nonlinear spherical seepage model with quadratic pressure gradient of three-region composite fractal reservoir[J]. COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2019, 38(2). (SCI收录-WOS:000463790700001) [11] Zhibin Liu (导师), Xiaoxu Dong (通信作者), Chao Min. Transient Analysis of Contaminant Diffusion in the Wellbore of Shale Gas Horizontal Wells[J]. Water Air & Soil Pollution, 2018, 229(7):221. (SCI收录- WOS:000435652200001) [12] Xiaoxu Dong, Zhubin Liu, Shun Chu. A Study on Solving the Boundary Value Peoblem of Three-Redion Composite Modified Bessel Equation [J]. International Journal of Engineering Research and Allied Sciences, 2016, 1(1):1-8. [13] Xiaoxu Dong, Zhubin Liu, Duo Zhang, Shunchu Li. Similar Constructing Method for Solving the Boundary Value Problem of the Composite Thomson Equation [J]. Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2016, 1(6):10-19. [14] Mingming Kong, Xiaoxu Dong(通信作者). The Similar Structure Method for Solving Boundary Value Problems of a Three Region Composite Bessel Equation [J]. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 2016, 17(29), 28.1-28.8.(EI-20171503558003) [15] Yong Wang, Xiaoxu Dong(通信作者), Shunchu Li. Study on how to resolve the boundary value problem of three-region composite Thomson equation[J]. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 16 (2016), 111–124. (EI-20163902847503) [16] Xiao-xu Dong, Shun-chu Li, Dong-dong Gui, Feng-jiu Zhang. A Study on Solving the Seepage Flow Model of Three-Area Composite Reservoir [A]. EAME2015 (2015 International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering) (July 26-27, 2015, Phuket, Thailand) [C]. ATLANTIS PRESS, ISBN: 978-94-62520-71-4. Advances in Engineering Research, volume 13, ISSN: 2352-5401, pp.744-747.(CPCI-WOS:000358691900198) [17] Xiao-xu Dong, Shun-chu Li, Dong-dong Gui, Feng-jiu Zhang, Jun Lin, Chuan-Ping Wang. A study on solving the boundary value problem of three-region composite second-order linear homogeneous ODE [J]. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2014, Vol.32(6):6035-6048.( EI-20152500946543) [18] Xiao-xu Dong, Shun-chu Li, Dong-dong Gui, Feng-jiu Zhang. A Study on Sloving Flow Model of Three-Area Composite Reservoir [J].Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.670-671(2014)pp599-603.(EI-20150300428815) [19] Hong-E LI, Xiao-Xu DONG(通信作者), Shun-Chu LI, Dong-Dong GUI, Cong-Yin FAN. A New Method and Applications of the Boundary Value Problem of Differential Equation [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 937 (2014) pp 695-699. (EI-20142417801110) [20] Dong Xiaoxu, Li Shunchu, Gui Dongdong, Pu Jun, Li Huichun. Similar Constructing Method for Solving the Boundary Value Problem of the Composite First Weber System [J]. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013, Vol.1(4): 76-82. |
离散数学、离散数学C、特殊函数、概率论与数理统计,线性代数 |